NiTi alloy near equiatomic (50:50) composition (commercial name nitinol) is a leader among alloys with unique properties of shape memory and superelasticity. The shape memory effect in NiTi alloy was discovered in 1963, and in 1970 the phenomenon of superelasticity was discovered. The nature of both effects is in phase transformations at the nanostructural level.
The special properties of shape memory and superelasticity, biological and mechanical compatibility with living tissues make it possible to create unique medical (and not only) products based on NiTi alloys with clear competitive advantages.
The shape memory effect manifests itself as the ability of nitinol after a large (up to 8%) "plastic" deformation to restore ("remember") the original shape when heated. Restoration of the shape for each composition of the alloy occurs in a strictly defined temperature range with a width of 10 ̊С to 20 ̊С. By changing the composition of binary NiTi, this interval can be shifted along the temperature scale from -50 ̊С to +120 ̊С.
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The effect of superelasticity manifests itself as the ability of NiTi alloys to anomalously large (up to 8%) "elastic" deformation. This property is also called superelasticity or rubber-like behavior. Superelastic behavior in the double NiTi alloy is observed in the temperature range from 0 ̊С to 60 ̊С. The effect of superelasticity is characterized by a nonlinear dependence of the deformation on the load and hysteresis when returning to the original shape. Living tissues behave similarly (bioelasticity).
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diameter from 0.1 mm to 6.0 mm;

thickness from 0.1 mm to 2.0 mm;

thickness from 0.1 mm to 0.7 mm
width up to 75 mm
length is unlimited

thickness from 0.7 mm to 3.0 mm
width from 75 mm to 500 mm,
length up to 450 mm